“다사다난 했던 2019년이 지났습니다. 캐릭터를 쭉 만들다보니 식솔?!이 이렇게나 많아졌습니다. 우선 시즌 1을 마감하며 단체샷을 기록으로 남겨봅니다. 평균 월간 20작품 x 12개월 = 240개의 작품 탄생하였습니다. 2020년에도 꾸준히 시즌 2로 뵙겠습니다. Happy New Year!!”
‘Hard Contact’
“The prayer session was over. Luke spewed the heat all over his body. K-Joker and Fibonachi suffered thermal burns. The voice of prayer grew louder. Miguel stopped Gwang from praying. The inside of the church was engulfed in flames.”
“Elephant Co., Ltd. was founded by a cult group. They underwent a religious brainwashing process before kidnapping the babies. Miguel followed them. A ceremony was being performed at a closed village church.”
‘Deer and Dear’
“The reindeer were eating sprouts. Cho seemed to be in a dream. The snowmobile hit something and flipped it over. Cho jumped quickly. Ophelia’s father, Jack, was a rolling stone.”
‘Youth Minister ; Gwang’
“Gwang was born on the sixth day. Preached the gospel to the children of small towns. Man was money.”
‘Jingle Bell’
“It was a winter day before Christmas. She found me with a sick baby. The baby didn’t cry. It roared like an animal. I prayed but was not focused.”
“Babies are disappearing from this village. Luke was one of several. There were signs of experimentation in the baby’s body.”
‘Restaurant Lenin’
“In the harsh winter months, shops were closed early. Kriss dragged his horse down a snowy path. He saw the light in the distance. After arriving, the horse hesitated. The sound of the wind mixed the baby’s cries.”
“K-Joker often appeared in restaurant Lenin. It was intended to appeal to Olga. She was perceived as a drinker. But she couldn’t resist handing over a drink every time. His son, Luke, smiled at him. But K-Joker’s body smelled of blood.”
‘Murphy Brown ; Olga’
“Olga is a single mother. She lives with her baby in a snowy small town. Every evening, play the piano at the restaurant Lenin. Her only source of income. The baby watches her play. Someone also watches closely.”