Season 1 ; Curtain Call

“다사다난 했던 2019년이 지났습니다. 캐릭터를 쭉 만들다보니 식솔?!이 이렇게나 많아졌습니다. 우선 시즌 1을 마감하며 단체샷을 기록으로 남겨봅니다. 평균 월간 20작품 x 12개월 = 240개의 작품 탄생하였습니다. 2020년에도 꾸준히 시즌 2로 뵙겠습니다. Happy New Year!!”

‘Hard Contact’

‪“The prayer session was over. Luke spewed the heat all over his body. K-Joker and Fibonachi suffered thermal burns. The voice of prayer grew louder. Miguel stopped Gwang from praying. The inside of the church was engulfed in flames.”‬


“Elephant Co., Ltd. was founded by a cult group. They underwent a religious brainwashing process before kidnapping the babies. Miguel followed them. A ceremony was being performed at a closed village church.”‬


“K-Joker often appeared in restaurant Lenin. It was intended to appeal to Olga. She was perceived as a drinker. But she couldn’t resist handing over a drink every time. His son, Luke, smiled at him. But K-Joker’s body smelled of blood.”‬